Obama should take the money Obama should take the money Obama should take the moneyI am frankly flabbergasted by all this righteous indignation on the left about […] By Derek McGinty| 2017-08-22T20:33:42+00:00 May 8th, 2017|Editorial, Uncategorized|Read More
Bye bye Circus Bye bye Circus Bye bye CircusWhenever I’m tempted to get all nostalgic when something old and cherished is […] By Derek McGinty| 2017-08-22T20:44:19+00:00 April 17th, 2017|Editorial|Read More
He can’t fix it and neither can you. Trump Broke all the Rules, So are the rules all broken? Did the President’s unorthodox campaign and election win permanently change the game? Gosh, I hope not. He can’t fix it and neither can you. Trump Broke all the Rules, So are the rules all broken? Did the President’s unorthodox campaign and election win permanently change the game? Gosh, I hope not. He can’t fix it and neither can you. Trump Broke all the Rules, So are the rules all broken? Did the President’s unorthodox campaign and election win permanently change the game? Gosh, I hope not.My old man used to have a saying…. If it was easy…everyone would […] By Derek McGinty| 2017-08-22T20:45:12+00:00 July 6th, 2016|Editorial|Read More