About Derek McGinty

Derek McGinty is a journalist, an award-winning interviewer and a commentator. He got his first job on the air back in 1984 at WHUR radio in Washington DC. From there he went to WAMU-FM where he launched a nationally syndicated daytime talk show on NPR. By the end of the century he’d been a correspondent on the CBS broadcast Public Eye with Bryant Gumbel and HBO’s Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel.

    Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain?

    President Trump’s ..uh..fiery rehetoric regarding North Korea has left him with a set of bad choices.  Rain fire and fury down on the North Koreans and start and awful war no one with any sense wants…. Or don’t … and risk being seen as a big talker with more mouth than muscle. The stakes are [...]

    By | 2017-08-25T20:43:56+00:00 August 25th, 2017|Editorial|Comments Off on Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain?

      He Cant Fix It

      Mr. Trump Goes to Washington My old man used to have a saying…. If it was easy…everyone would do it.  Its an ancient truism made brand new again… by the flailing presidency of Donald Trump. These last 5 months we’ve seen Trump smacked upside the head over and over again by just how intractable and [...]

      By | 2017-08-25T20:44:04+00:00 August 25th, 2017|Editorial|Comments Off on He Cant Fix It

        Kirk Cousins. No matter how you feel about the Redskins QB it appears my favorite hometown team handled the situation about as badly as you could imagine. But don’t worry–it could get worse next year.

        INTRO:  Did you see Steeler Wide out Antonio brown twerking in the endzone last Monday night? Well..the NFL sure did and they’re already doling out the fines. Our derek mcginty wonders when the NO Fun League will get the message….and lighten up. Anybody remember the XFL? Back in 2001…it was professional wrestling’s answer to the [...]

        By | 2017-08-22T20:27:16+00:00 May 8th, 2017|Editorial, Lifestyle|Comments Off on Kirk Cousins. No matter how you feel about the Redskins QB it appears my favorite hometown team handled the situation about as badly as you could imagine. But don’t worry–it could get worse next year.

          Why You Treat Me So Bad? United Airlines has gotten most of the headlines for poor passenger treatment, but we’ve been putting up with deteriorating customer service on airlines for years. turns out its not just the airlines.

          United blew this one on so many levels its hard to know where to start….but how about we begin with the basic economics of this thing: When an airline overbooks and then asks you to voluntarily give up your seat… give is the wrong word…they want to buy it from you with a voucher or [...]

          By | 2017-08-22T20:31:37+00:00 May 8th, 2017|Editorial|Comments Off on Why You Treat Me So Bad? United Airlines has gotten most of the headlines for poor passenger treatment, but we’ve been putting up with deteriorating customer service on airlines for years. turns out its not just the airlines.

            Shut up, Mr. President. Why things would be so much better for President Trump if he’d just keep his mouth shut.

            What if one day soon…  President Trump tweets out the usual crazy in the early morning hours….and almost no one noticed or cared? Already… the conservative Wall street journal editorial page has blasted our President for his constant lies… …saying quote…if he doesn’t show more respect for the truth most Americans may conclude he’s a [...]

            By | 2017-08-22T20:41:47+00:00 May 8th, 2017|Editorial|Comments Off on Shut up, Mr. President. Why things would be so much better for President Trump if he’d just keep his mouth shut.

              Obama should take the money

              I am frankly flabbergasted by all this righteous indignation on the left about President Obama and his 400-thousand dollar speaking fee. Senator and leading progressive Bernie Sanders says the ex-president getting paid so much…quote just doesn’t look good…and is in his words.. distasteful. Fellow progressive senator Elizabeth Warren says she’s troubled by it. Really?? Cause [...]

              By | 2017-08-22T20:33:42+00:00 May 8th, 2017|Editorial, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Obama should take the money

                He can’t fix it and neither can you. Trump Broke all the Rules, So are the rules all broken? Did the President’s unorthodox campaign and election win permanently change the game? Gosh, I hope not.

                My old man used to have a saying…. If it was easy…everyone would do it. Its an ancient truism that would certainly seem to apply to our still fairly new President Donald Trump. These last 100 days we’ve seen Trump smacked upside the head over and over again by just how intractable and complex America’s [...]

                By | 2017-08-22T20:45:12+00:00 July 6th, 2016|Editorial|1 Comment